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Sunday, August 15, 2010

My Montage 7/30/10 at

Robert Lee Moore, III (Trey), or when he's being naughty, Bobby Lee 3, turned ONE on June 25, 2010. We had a John Deere themed party that his big sister picked out. (Her reasoning was that Poppy has John Deere stuff, so Trey Trey needs to be like Poppy.)The party was here at our house with just immediate family and a few very close friends.

Trey certainly keeps all of us on our toes. Ella has taken to telling him NO and taking things he isn't supposed to have away. He is quick and sneaky! And the dog and cat food bowls are frequent pit stops of his. What is wrong with my kids? Ella ate cat food all the time as a baby.

Other than saying that Trey is nothing less than a miracle, I can't translate the feelings that we all hold for this little boy. He is charming, happy, Sweet, loving and laid back. He even has all of the animals under his spell. A smile from Trey is worth more than any amount of money.

At his 1 year well baby visit, he weighed 19 pounds and 9 ounces and was 28 1/2 inches tall. His height and weight are both on the percentage charts now. We were told that in many years of practice, the pediatrician had never seen a baby that was born so premature and stayed in the NICU turn out a year later to be as perfect as Trey is. He is healthy and hitting all of the regular milestones ahead of the curve. We know that there was a higher power that took care of this child of ours. But we also know that his Uncle Wade has been his Guardian Angel from the minute he was born and has been with him, looking out for him ever since. So thank you, Uncle Wade.

Here is the video of Trey's first year. Enjoy and count your blessings. We know that ours are abundant.

Trey's 1 year video